Support Centre for Installers

Some customers have achieved some clever customised DIY solutions for re-directing surplus power using Enphase APIs, however, Enphase does not currently offer products that re-direct surplus power.
No. If there are no SunPower Partners in your area, we will pair you with a qualified installer, or you can appoint an installer of your choice.
When sunlight strikes a solar cell, it dislodges electrons from atoms, creating an electric current. Connectors on the cell's positive and negative sides form an electrical circuit. This flow of electrons generates electricity. Solar panels consist of numerous cells, and you can connect multiple panels to create a solar array. The greater the number of panels you use, the more energy you can produce.
That’s ok. You can claim cashback so long as you pay your solar installer for your SunPower home energy system on or before June 30th 2024. The installation date can be later.
The cashback offer starts on January 1st and runs to June 30th 2024. Your SunPower home energy system must be paid for before June 30th 2024. The installation date can be later.
The cashback offer is for our full home energy system. Cashback does not apply to a standalone purchase of Drive.