What to Look for in a Premier Solar Provider

Choosing solar as an investment in your environmental journey should not be taken lightly. Study the market. Find accredited leaders in new-wave technology. Look at company reputation, manufacturing nous, warranty, aesthetic appeal, and weigh it up.
With a sea of solar operators to choose from, which way do you go? It’s easy to focus on cost alone, but have you done due diligence?
Running with a solar champion with morals, integrity, an environmental plan, price point, and innovation is what you desire, so here are some core steps to get you there.
Searching for Solar
When searching for the right solar provider, make sure you’re thorough with your research. There are a number of elements to consider as part of your approach:
- Immerse yourself in the brands’ backstory and eco approach
- Dig deeper into the quality of the technology that drives the solar
- Being a serious investment, understand why you need solar and how you plan to consume energy
- Have an installer examine your roof’s orientation to see if you’ll achieve maximum solar benefit

Clean Energy Council Accreditations
There are key accreditations that solar installers need to have before they can operate. When making a decision on your installer, find out if they:
- Signed on to the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct accredited by the Clean Energy Council, and
- Use designers and installers accredited by the Clean Energy Council.
- What’s their renewable energy rating?
- Do they have a Cradle to Cradle Certification?
- Have they been accepted into the Declare Label program?
- See what government programs and rebates are available
Enabling Energy-Positive Lifestyles
When pursuing a premier solar provider, look to those passionate about human-first connection.
The environment relies on people to save it; technology is just the means to do so.
With conventional solar cells losing power over time due to corrosion and breakage, selecting a provider that eradicates 85%+ reasons traditional cells fail is key.

Know Your Solar Players
Understanding the difference between a solar manufacturer, retailer, and installer is paramount.
Where SunPower from Maxeon Solar Technologies is a panel manufacturer, our authorised installers are the primary contact for the consumer.
Taking care of local sales and installation, our partners customise solar solutions to optimise for sunshine, building materials and local regulations.
They also help with applying for permitting, sourcing utility companies, and filing for solar incentives.
Other actions include:
- Attaining multiple quotes and read product reviews of prospective operators
- Find out what the ‘year span’ on the warranty – 35+ is a starting point
- Learn about return rates of solar panels and why they’ve been faulty
- Ensure you’re happy with how much clean energy is generated in TWh (terawatt per hour) and match it with your existing bill/energy usage
Find your local installers here, then shop around the partner channel to see if ALL the above bullet points can be ticked off.
Visiting the Clean Energy Council website is where you want to start!